Sunday, April 7, 2013

Old Fashioneds for Season 6

1 cube sugar
1 dash bitters
1 tsp. water
2 oz. blended whiskey

In an old fashioned glass, put sugar cube, bitters and water and muddle well. Add whiskey, stir. Add a twist of lemon peel and ice cubes. Decorate with slices of orange and lemon and a cherry. Serve with a swizzle stick (sadly not shown here).

Verdict: not surprisingly, we love it. Crooney says it tastes more like whiskey than some of the old fashioneds you get in bars these days, where they like to muddle in the citrus. He bets this is the kind of old fashioned Don Draper was drinking. Bottoms up. Or down, if you're Roger Sterling. (I'm not the only one who remembers where last we saw Roger, right?)